Visakhapatnam to Annavaram

Vizag to Annavaram distance – 109 Kms Service No Bus Route Bus Timings Duration Bus Type Depot 2754 VSP-RJY S/S 00:05 → 02:00 1 hrs DELUXE RAJAHMUNDRY 3301 VSP-RJY S/S 04:45 → 06:45 2 hrs DELUXE VISAKHAPATNAM 3323 VSP – AMP 05:00 → 08:00 3 hrs SUPER LUXURY VISAKHAPATNAM 4349 VSP – TNL 05:15 → 07:30 2 hrs SUPER LUXURY TENALI 3305 VSP-RJY … Continue reading Visakhapatnam to AnnavaramRead More